About Trend
Console Trend provides a visual representation over a selected period of time of patterns, growth/decline for key metrics related to your messages. Leverage this information to keep track of the amount of SMS you are sending out, view the number of people subscribed to your console, or even monitor what times of the day you receive the most interaction from your subscribers.
The Metrics Bar
In the top right hand corner of the Console Trends tab you will see the Metrics Bar which displays all of your stats for the selected time frame.
SMS Sent
This is a count of the total individual text messages you've sent in the selected time frame. SMS is abbreviated for Short Message Service and consists of 160 characters or less. Any invoices which include total volume of SMS Sent will be based on this measure.
Msg Sent
This is a count of individual communications sent to a subscriber. Each time you configure a direct text, campaign message, Ad-Hoc etc. you are creating a message which will be delivered to a person's handset. Each message can contain up to 4 SMS (640 characters).
Msg Received
A count of total incoming messages received from your subscribers during that period.
A count of total participants and caregivers currently opted in a group for that time period. Subscribers are your audience, only people who are subscribed to one or more opt in groups can receive messages from your system.
A count of Opt-In Notifications sent during the selected time range. Note that if one person is subscribed more than once during this time period and/or added to multiple groups, this measure will account for all Opt-In Messages Sent.
Opt-In %
This measure provides an indication of how likely your subscribers will remain opted-in for your messaging service after the Opt-In Notification is sent. This is expressed as a percent and is calculated for a period as follows: 1 - (Opt-Outs/Opt-Ins)
A count of Opt-Out Notifications sent during the selected time range. Note that if one person is un-subscribed more than once during this time period and/or removed from multiple groups, this measure will account for each Opt-In Messages Sent.
If you ever forget all these definitions, hover your mouse over the Metrics Bar and you'll get a reminder!
Trend Line Graph
The Trend Line Graph displays a graphical view of your console usage during the selected time frame. The Key located to the right of the line graph helps distinguish each data set.
Interacting with the Trends Line Graph
Isolate a single metric by double clicking on the metric from the key. Click on additional metrics to keep adding valuable stats to your chart. To reset the diagram, double click any metric on the key.
By hovering your mouse over each line, you can also see the Date, Time and the selected statistic amount at that point in time.