HTTP Basic Authentication basic
POST /import/protocall/authbase/{CONSOLE-CODE}
application/xml; charset=utf-8
protocallImport | protocallImport | X |
1$ curl --location --request POST 'https://{dialoghealth-server}/dh-integration/rest/import/protocall/authbase/WEBMAG6745' \
2--header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
3--header 'Authorization: Basic {credentials}' \
4--data-raw '{xml-request-body}'
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <patients>
4 <patient id="PatientId"
5 firstName="FirstName"
6 lastName="LastName"
7 dob="08/21/1984"
8 msisdn="13143435555"
9 additionalPhone=""
10 insuranceProvider="insurance provider 1">
11 <addresses>
12 <address city="City" state="State" zip="33323" street="123 Main Street"/>
13 <address city="City" state="State" zip="33321" street="121 Main Street"/>
14 </addresses>
15 <patientVisits>
16 <patientVisit id="Appointment Id"
17 name="Appointment Name"
18 date="12/22/2012 9:00 AM"
19 arrivalTime="8:00 AM"
20 location="appointment location"
21 status="Completed"
22 note="appointmentNote">
23 <physician name="Physitian name" msisdn="13143435552"/>
24 <anesthesiologist name="" msisdn=""/>
25 </patientVisit>
26 <patientVisit name="Appointment Name2"
27 date="12/22/2012 9:00 AM"
28 arrivalTime="8:00 AM"
29 location="appointment location"
30 status="Cancelled">
31 <physician name="Physitian name2"/>
32 </patientVisit>
33 </patientVisits>
34 </patient>
35 <patient firstName="FirstName"
36 lastName="LastName"
37 dob="1984-08-21"
38 msisdn="12143435551"
39 insuranceProvider="insurance prov 2">
40 <addresses>
41 <address city="City" state="State" zip="33323" street="street" />
42 </addresses>
43 </patient>
44 </patients>
patients | X | List of patient | Patients to be imported | - |
id | - | String | Patient ID | - |
firstName | - | String | First name | - |
lastName | - | String | Last name | - |
dob | - | String | Date of birth | - |
msisdn | - | String | Mobile phone number | - |
additionalPhone | - | String | Additional phone | - |
misc1 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a patient | - |
misc2 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a patient | - |
misc3 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a patient | - |
misc4 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a patient | - |
misc5 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a patient | - |
addresses | - | List of address | Addresses of the patient | - |
patientVisits | - | List of patientVisit | Visits of the patient | - |
city | - | String | City |
state | - | String | State |
zip | - | String | ZIP |
street | - | String | Street |
id | - | String | Unique identifier of the visit | - |
name | - | String | Visit name | - |
date | - | String | Visit date | MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a |
arrivalTime | - | String | Visit arrival time | hh:mm a |
location | - | String | Event location | - |
note | - | String | Visit note | - |
misc1 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a visit | - |
misc2 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a visit | - |
misc3 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a visit | - |
misc4 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a visit | - |
misc5 | - | String | Miscellaneous field for a visit | - |
physician | - | physician | Provider | - |
name | - | String | Provider name |
msisdn | - | String | Provider phone number |