Additional Phone Number
Secondary phone number that recipients provide as an alternative if the primary mobile number fails to receive a message. If a secondary phone number is listed and the primary number is bad, Dialog Health will automatically try reach out to the secondary number instead.
Ad-Hoc Message
Ad-Hoc messages are broadcast messages with the intent being sent as mass communication messages to all your participants. Typically used to mass communicate emergency information about facility closures or appointment reschedules. These messages aren't usually scheduled (depending on your industry) but can be. Unlike campaign messages, Ad-Hoc's need to be manually created and scheduled to send out where as campaigns will repeatedly send out messages once created.
On the report preview, you'll see an option that you can select/deselect on whether or not you'd like you report to contain Appointment Information.
Attempted Message
For failed messages, this field will display the text message that would have gone to the person had they been subscribed and accessible.
Bad Mobile
This can signify when a number has been disconnected.
Campaign Broadcast
These are your “set and forget” Broadcast Messages that will go out each and every day at a specific time. You can also specify who will receive this message by location, appointment name, provider ect. depending on what information is on your CSV document.
Campaign Message
These are your “set and forget” Broadcast Messages that will go out each and every day at a specific time. You can also specify who will receive this message by location, appointment name, provider ect. depending on what information is on your CSV document.
Direct Text
Direct Texting, or Live Texting, is a great way to communicate directly with a patient. Anywhere you see the mobile phone number for a patient that is opted-in, click on the number and start typing a message.
Eligible Message
The number of people who can receive a broadcast message if they are opted into a group.
The email address of the Person.
Failed Reason
When a message is not delivered, failed reason provides more information as to the root cause (i.e. bad mobile, number rejected, number black listed).
Flow Reply
When creating a Broadcast Campaign Message, you have the option to ask questions of your Patients. You can define how the system will answer their reply and this is known as a Flow Reply.
Future Appointment
Scheduled patient or event that is upcoming and eligible for messages.
All patients/employees must be assigned to a group in order to receive text message communication (i.e. Patient Group, Employee Group, Staff Group).
Incoming Message
The message received by the system from the subscriber.
Invalid Number
The subscriber cannot receive messages from your facility. This is indicated by the red dot shown next to the subscriber.
System Keywords are response text messages which will be delivered to people who have interacted with specific functions of your console. Your standard Keywords consist of an Opt-In message, Opt-Out message, HELP reply, and an UNKNOWN reply. All incoming text messages will be replied to with a predefined System Reply.
Lead Message
The immediate message that preceded/generated the incoming message from the subscriber.
Message Status
This is the result of the attempted message. This element indicates whether or not your message was successfully received. For clients using a 10-digit long code the status will always be unknown due to delivery receipts being unavailable.
The phone number of the Person receiving messages from the console or sending messages to your console
Msg Received
A count of total incoming messages received from your subscribers during that period.
Msg Sent
This is a count of individual communications sent to a subscriber. Each you time you configure a direct text, campaign message, Ad-Hoc etc. you are creating a message which will be delivered to a person's handset. Each message can contain up to 4 SMS (640 characters).
No Mobile
No mobile number was provided for a message to be attempted to send.
Message Rejected
Your message was unable to reach the recipient, for example the mobile number is blacklisted, the mobile number ran out of prepaid text messages, etc...
Opt-In %
This measure provides an indication of how likely your subscribers will remain opted-in for your messaging service after the Opt-In Notification is sent. This is expressed as a percent and is calculated for a period as follows: 1 - ( Opt-Outs/Opt-Ins)
A count of Opt-In Notifications sent during the selected time range. Note that if one person is subscribed more than once during this time period and/or added to multiple groups, this measure will account for all Opt-In Messages Sent.
A count of Opt-Out Notifications sent during the selected time range. Note that if one person is unsubscribed more than once during this time period and/or removed from multiple groups, this measure will account for each Opt-In Messages Sent.
Outgoing Message
How the system responded to the subscriber's incoming message.
The recipient or subscriber who received a message. Most commonly these are patients or employees.
Person Opted-Out
This refers to when the recipient or subscriber chooses not to receive text messages by replying STOP to the opt-in or any message received. Once they've opted out, they will be sent a text message confirming they will no longer receive messages. To be opted back in, they either have to speak with the facility or follow the instructions provided about opting back in.
Count of total participants that successfully received a message.
Reached %
Percentage of total participants reached out of all participants attempted.
Of the participants reach, replied is the count of participants that responded to the message that reached them.
Replied %
Percentage of participants that replied out of all participants that were reached.
Response %
The percentage of times a Subscriber replied to a message from the system for which a Flow Reply was configured. Any response to successfully delivered messages will be calculated. The response rate informs you, what percent of the time you can expect subscribers to "respond" to a question when they ask it via a broadcast messages.
A text messaging service component of most telephone, Internet, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols that let mobile devices exchange short text messages. Dialog Health allows for 4 SMS to be sent, 160 characters per SMS.
SMS Sent
This is a count of the total individual text messages you've sent in the selected time frame. SMS is abbreviated for Short Message Service and consists of 160 characters or less. Any invoices which include total volume of SMS Sent will be based on this measure.
A count of total participants and caregivers currently in a group for that time period. Subscribers are your audience, only people who are subscribed to one or more opt in groups can receive messages from your system.
Text Message
Electronic communication sent and received by a mobile phone.
Txt2Join Keyword
By texting the provided group keyword to the shortcode or 10DLC you're receiving text messages from, you'll be able to.
Txt4Info Keyword
By providing the Txt4Info Keyword and short or long code, anyone who sends a message to your short or long code with the Txt4info keyword will receive an automatic response customized by the console users.
Classification of the message being viewed (Campaign, Ad-Hoc, Direct Text, Flow Reply etc.)
Unknown Response
Incoming messages that do not fit into a predefined category will receive a generic flow reply message letting the recipient know that they're text has been received.
Terms may vary depending on if you're viewing Outgoing, Incoming, and Attempted Message